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Future of Business Education Research Series - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity at the Intersection of STEM and Business Management in Canadian Higher Education

19 Aug 2019 10:00 AM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

This research initiative is focused on an empirical study with respect to the Concordia University’s summer institute, “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)”. This study’s objective is to contribute to expanding our understanding of EDI at the intersection of STEM/Business Management in higher education.

This report presents a background to this summer institute, a literature review and the methodology. It also presents empirical findings and analysis of a survey administered to participants in the summer institute, and the results of two semi-structured interviews.

The eight recommendations are built on the literature review, and on these empirical findings and results. They also reflect the limitations of the study which is the small sample size. The top three recommendations include building intentionality with respect to EDI, lobbying and seeking funding to build such a framework of EDI in higher education institutions, and inviting industry representatives and persons in power to speak to EDI concerns at this intersection. Future work in this particular area is also considered, such as a follow on study with a larger sample size, and closes this report.

This study prepared by Stefanie Ruel (John Moslon School of Business, Concordia University) and Tanja Tajmel (Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University), was supported by BSAC and funded through its grant competition program.

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